Archive | August, 2010

Summer’s End BBQois…

29 Aug

Sharron decides that spotty shade may mean a spotty tan…and immediatly applies sunscreen. Meanwhile, a game gets underway in the adjoining terrain while Dusty dazzles ’em with his French on the sidelines. Can you spot Steve in the picture?

Deeeeelicious shish-kabob with wine marinated steak, slow roasted Hawaiian pineapple, zesty Italian za-zooch & firey jalapeno grill themselves to perfection on the Smokey Joe…

The terrains are completley abandoned during a lunch break…

A sparkle of hope shines for Bobski as he launches a boule…

Thank you all for coming out on Saturday for our summer’s end BBQois and making it a most enjoyable event! Thanks for helping set up, clean up and contributing to the food, drink & camaraderie! The summer season may be over, but we’re not done yet…stay tuned for more games & events in the upcoming “Fall Season!” And remember, anyone can suggest and post an event! Au revoir!

Petanque A La Chinois

27 Aug

Here we are after a couple games of sloppy shooting, poor pointing and questionable strategy. Ian, John, Sharon, Dustin and Brandon drown their petanque woes with rice, meat and MSG in Chinatown. Hopefully, our petanque prowess will have been restored by Saturday in time for the big picnic (perhaps we should see if is free?)

Thursday Night at McGuane Park…

20 Aug

Perched like birds on a wire, the Thursday night crew anxiously awaits the outcome of a game and the beckoning taste of Pilsen’s Honky Tonk BBQ…

Petanque at Cantigny

16 Aug

We had a grand time at The French Connetion celebration at Cantigny Park in Wheaton.  People, young and old, short and tall, were waiting in line to learn how to play petanque.

Club members gave lessons, led demos, and organized a few competitive games for  the visitors.

The groundskeepers cut the grass very short for us the night before, so the surface was very playable. Not the best surface, but still fun for all. It was a great promotion for the game. Many folks wanted to learn more about the club.

It’s not too often when you get a chance to pose with a mime. He showed a lot of interest in the game, even though I did all of the talking. (The mime is the one on the left)


14 Aug

For those who will be attending The Cantigny French Connection event tomorrow (Sun) and volunteering for the PETANQUE DEMO, remember to bring a folding chair and STAY for the concert at 3 p.m presented by THE AIR FORCE BAND Jazz Ensemble. Always a great concert.
PETANQUE demo/lessons/games STARTS at 11 a.m. (come for an hour or stay all day)
Let me know if you will be attending and I’ll put you on the FREE ADMISSION LIST.
Hope you can make it,

French Connection in Wheaton, Aug15 Sun

11 Aug

The French Connection Market event at Cantigny Park in Wheaton is this Sunday, August 15th from 11am to 3pm. The Chicago Petanque Club will be giving demonstrations and organizing short games for the general public.
We need club members to volunteer to help teach the game to interested attending visitors.

Along with the French Market, there will be The Air Force Band, art, beautiful gardens, museum, mansion, tasty food and wine tasting and more.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to teach the game. If you can make it, let me know what time you could be there. I will need to give the front gatehouse a list of names so that you will get FREE admission.

Let me know. Hope you can make it. Thanks.